In an Right-Handed Coordinate System (see further Right-hand rule)
the Binormal Vector is calculated by:
B = N x T
while in an Left-Handed Coordinate System
the Binormal Vector is calculated by:
B = T x N
In OpenGL is commonly used a Right-Handed Coordinate System, but this depends on the specification and definitions which are chosen by the user.
If a system is mirrored it changes from one system to the other. This may occur if a texture is mirrored or looked at from the back face.
One way to get the tangential space in the shader is to pass the tanget as an attribute to the shader, just like the normal vector. For this the tangents have to be pre-computed and stored in the mesh data.
The tangent and the binormal can be calculated by the GLSL derivate functions dFdx
, dFdy
, that calculates the partial derivative of an argument with respect to x
or y
vec3 vsPos = ....; // fragment position in view space
vec2 texCoord = ....; // texture coordinate of the fragment
// derivations of the fragment position
vec3 pos_dx = dFdx( vsPos );
vec3 pos_dy = dFdy( vsPos );
// derivations of the texture coordinate
vec2 texC_dx = dFdx( texCoord );
vec2 texC_dy = dFdy( texCoord );
// tangent vector and binormal vector
vec3 tangent = texC_dy.y * pos_dx - texC_dx.y * pos_dy;
vec3 binormal = texC_dx.x * pos_dy - texC_dy.x * pos_dx;
The direction of the binormal vector (binormalSign
) can be calculated by the determinant of the 2*2 matrix created from the derivatives of the texture coordinates. The determinant can be calculated by:
float texDet = tc_dx.x * tc_dy.y - tc_dx.y * tc_dy.x;
Or the GLSL function determinant:
float texDet = determinant( mat2( tc_dx, tc_dy ) );
vec3 tangentVec = ( tc_dy.y * p_dx - tc_dx.y * p_dy ) / texDet;
float binormalSign = sign(texDet);
vec3 vsPos[3] = ....; // corner points of the triangle primitive in view space
vec2 texCoord[3] = ....; // corresponding texture coordinates to the corner points of the primitive
vec3 p_dA = vsPos[1].xyz - vsPos[0].xyz;
vec3 p_dB = vsPos[2].xyz - vsPos[0].xyz;
vec2 tc_dA = tecCoord[1].uv - tecCoord[0].uv;
vec2 tc_dB = tecCoord[2].uv - tecCoord[0].uv;
float texDet = determinant( mat2( tc_dA, tc_dB ) );
vec3 tangentVec = ( tc_dB.y * p_dA - tc_dA.y * p_dB ) / texDet;
float binormalSign = sign(texDet);
If the normalized normal vector n
, the tangent t
and the binormal b
are known, the tangent space can be calculated.
Of course the an orthonormalized tangent space matrix can be calculated by using the cross product, but this would only work for right-hand systems. If a matrix was mirrored (left-hand system) it will turn to a right hand system:
t = cross( cross( n, t ), t ); // orthonormalization of the tangent vector
b = cross( n, t ); // orthonormalization of the binormal vector may invert the binormal vector
mat3 tbn = mat3( normalize(t), normalize(b), n );
In the code snippet above the binormal vector is reversed if the tangent space is a left-handed system. To avoid this, the hard must be gone:
t = cross( cross( n, t ), t ); // orthonormalization of the tangent vector
b = cross( b, cross( b, n ) ); // orthonormalization of the binormal vectors to the normal vector
b = cross( cross( t, b ), t ); // orthonormalization of the binormal vectors to the tangent vector
mat3 tbn = mat3( normalize(t), normalize(b), n );
A common way to orthogonalize any matrix is the Gram-Schmidt process:
t = t - n * dot( t, n ); // orthonormalization ot the tangent vectors
b = b - n * dot( b, n ); // orthonormalization of the binormal vectors to the normal vector
b = b - t * dot( b, t ); // orthonormalization of the binormal vectors to the tangent vector
mat3 tbn = mat3( normalize(t), normalize(b), n );
Another possibility is to use the determinant of the 2*2 matrix which results from the derivations of the texture coordinates texC_dx
, texC_dy
to take the direction of the binormal vector into account. The idea is that the determinant of a orthogonal matrix is 1 and the determined one of a orthogonal mirror matrix -1.
The determinant can either be calculated by the GLSL function determinant( mat2( texC_dx, texC_dy )
or it can be calculated by it formula texC_dx.x * texC_dy.y - texC_dy.x * texC_dx.y
For the calculation of the orthonormalized tangent space matrix, the binormal vector is no longer required and the calculation of the unit vector
) of the binormal vector can be evaded.
float texDet = texC_dx.x * texC_dy.y - texC_dy.x * texC_dx.y;
float binormalSign = sign(texDet);
vec3 t = normalize( t - n * dot( t, n ) );
vec3 b = binormalSign * cross( n, t ); // b is normalized because n and t are orthonormalized unit vectors
mat3 tbn = mat3( t, binormalSign * b, n ); // take in account the direction of the binormal vector
mat3 inverseTBN( vec3 ptV, vec3 N, vec2 texCoord )
vec3 p_dx = dFdx( ptV );
vec3 p_dy = dFdy( ptV );
vec2 tc_dx = dFdx( texCoord );
vec2 tc_dy = dFdy( texCoord );
vec3 dp1perp = cross( N, p_dx );
vec3 dp2perp = cross( p_dy, N );
vec3 T = dp2perp * tc_dx.x + dp1perp * tc_dy.x;
vec3 B = dp2perp * tc_dx.y + dp1perp * tc_dy.y;
float invmax = inversesqrt( max( dot( T, T ), dot( B, B ) ) );
return mat3( normalize( T * invmax ), normalize( B * invmax ), N );