

Texture and Sampler - Common mistakes and issues

Sampler Object Texture views Sampler (GLSL)
Multibind and textures Image Format
sRGB colorspace - non linear colorspace Image Load Store Bindless Texture

OpenGL 4.6 API Compatibility Profile Specification; 7.10 Samplers; page 154
OpenGL 4.6 API Core Profile Specification; 7.10 Samplers; page 154
OpenGL ES 3.2 Specification; 7.9 Samplers; page 118

Samplers are special uniforms used in the OpenGL Shading Language to identify the texture object used for each texture lookup. The value of a sampler indicates the texture image unit being accessed. Setting a sampler?s value to i selects texture image unit number i.

Load Texture

OpenGL integer texture raising GL_INVALID_VALUE, [three.js]

First of all you have to create an OpenGL Context. e.g.:
(See also Using OpenGL With SDL)

if (SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO) < 0)
    return 0;

SDL_Window *window = SDL_CreateWindow("ogl wnd", 0, 0, width, height, SDL_WINDOW_OPENGL);
if (window == nullptr)
    return 0;
SDL_GLContext context = SDL_GL_CreateContext(window);

if (glewInit() != GLEW_OK)
    return 0;

Then you have to generate an texture name by glGenTextures:

GLuint tobj;
glGenTextures(1, &tobj);

After that you’ve to bind the named texture to a texturing target by glBindTexture:

glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, tobj);

Finally you can specify the two-dimensional texture image by glTexImage2D

glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_R32UI, 3072, 2048, 0, GL_RED_INTEGER, GL_UNSIGNED_INT, nullptr);

Note, the texture format has to be GL_RED_INTEGER rather than GL_RED, because the source texture image has to be interpreted as integral data, rather than normalized floating point data. The format and type parameter specify the format of the source data. The internalformat parameter specifies the format of the target texture image.

You have to set the texture minifying function (GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER) by glTexParameter ( this can be done before glTexImage2D):


If you are not generating mipmaps (with glGenerateMipmap) it is important to set GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER. Since the default filter is GL_NEAREST_MIPMAP_LINEAR, the texture would be “Mipmap Incomplete” if you do not change the minimize function to GL_NEAREST or GL_LINEAR.


OpenGL/C++: Problem passing multiple textures to one shader

fter the name (value) of the texture is generated by glGenTexture, the named texture has to be bound to a texturing target by glBindTexture, before the texture image is specified by glTexImage2D.
glTexImage2D defines the texture images for the texture, which is currently bound to the specified target:

glGenTextures(1, &texture); 

// [...]

glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, texture); 
glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, format, width, height, 0, format, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, data);


glTexImage2D ‘target is not valid’, C++

The fist parameter of glTexImage2D is the target, which must be GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_PROXY_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_1D_ARRAY […].
glTexImage2D specifies the two-dimensional texture for the texture object that is bound to the current Texture unit.

See OpenGL 4.6 core profile specification - 8.5. TEXTURE IMAGE SPECIFICATION, page 212:

The command

void TexImage2D( enum target, int level, int internalformat, sizei width, sizei height, int border, enum format, enum type, const void *data );

is used to specify a two-dimensional texture image. target must be one of TEXTURE_2D for a two-dimensional texture, TEXTURE_1D_ARRAY for a onedimensional array texture, TEXTURE_RECTANGLE for a rectangle texture, or one of the cube map face targets from table […]


(LWJGL3) OpenGL 2D Texture Array stays empty after uploading image data with glTexSubImage3D, Java

It is not an error to pass a width, height or depth of 0 to glTexSubImage3D, but it won’t have any effect to the texture objects data store.


OpenGL 3.2 Why am I getting INVALID_ENUM error for glTexStorage3D?, C++

GL_RGBA is not a valid enum constant for the the 3rd paramter of glTexStorage3D.

OpenGL 4.6 API Core Profile Specification; 8.19. IMMUTABLE-FORMAT TEXTURE IMAGES; page 272:

The TexStorage* commands specify properties of the texture object bound to the target parameter of each command.

An INVALID_ENUM error is generated if internalformat is one of the unsized base internal formats listed in table 8.11.

Load Bitmap

How to load a bmp on GLUT to use it as a texture?, [C++] [GLUT]

A simple solution would be to use STB library, which can be found at GitHub - nothings/stb.

All what is needed is one source file, the header file “stb_image.h”.

Include the header file and enable image reading by the setting the preprocessor define STB_IMAGE IMPLEMENTATION:

#include <stb_image.h>

The image file can be read by the function stbi_load:

const char *filename = .....; // path and filename
int         req_channels = 3; // 3 color channels of BMP-file   

int width = 0, height = 0, channels = 0;
stbi_uc *image = stbi_load(filename, &width, &height, &channels, req_channels);

When an RGB image is loaded to a texture object, GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT needs to be set to 1. By default GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT is 4, so each line of an image is assumed to be aligned to 4 bytes. The pixels in the buffer have a size of 3 bytes and are tightly packed, this would cause a misalignment. After loading the image, the memory on the can be freed by stbi_image_free:

GLuint texture_obj = 0;
if ( image != nullptr )
    glGenTextures(1, &texture_obj);
    glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, texture_obj);
    glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, 1);
    glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGBA, width, height, 0, GL_RGB, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, image);
    glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, 4); // default

    stbi_image_free( image );

Texture colors replaced by purple tones, [Nim]

The Portable Network Graphics (PNG) file may contain 32-bit RGBA colors.

Force the stbi_load to generate an image with 4 color channels, by explicitly pass 4 to the last parameter:

imageData = stbi_load("Test/2d-rendering-test./stack.png",
                      addr texWidth, addr texHeight, addr channelCount, 4)

See stb_image.h:

Basic usage (see HDR discussion below for HDR usage):
      int x,y,n;
      unsigned char *data = stbi_load(filename, &x, &y, &n, 0);
      // ... process data if not NULL ...
      // ... x = width, y = height, n = # 8-bit components per pixel ... **`// ... replace '0' with '1'..'4' to force that many components per pixel`**
      // ... but 'n' will always be the number that it would have been if you said 0

stbi_load can be forced to generate an image with 4 color channels, by explicitly pass 4 to the last parameter:

See stb_image.h:

Basic usage (see HDR discussion below for HDR usage):
      int x,y,n;
      unsigned char *data = stbi_load(filename, &x, &y, &n, 0);
      // ... process data if not NULL ...
      // ... x = width, y = height, n = # 8-bit components per pixel ... **`// ... replace '0' with '1'..'4' to force that many components per pixel`**
      // ... but 'n' will always be the number that it would have been if you said 0

In this case the format parameter has to be changed from GL_RGB to GL_RGBA when loading the image:

unsigned char* imageData = stbi_load(filePath.c_str(),
     &width, &height, &numComponents, 0);

// [...]

glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGB, width, height, 0, GL_RGBA,
             GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, imageData);

Windows Bitmap

OpenGL Texture Loading issue with images that Crossed each other, C

A Windows Bitmap file has a file header of 54 bytes. I this header is the format of the file encoded.


Calculating texture coordinates from a heightmap, C++

By default, OpenGL assumes that the beginning of each line of an image is aligned to 4 bytes.

This is because the GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT parameter is 4 by default. Since the image has 3 color channels (GL_RGB) and is tightly packed, the size of one line of the image may not be aligned to 4 bytes..
If an RGB image with 3 color channels is loaded into a texture object and 3*width is not divisible by 4, GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT must be set to 1 before specifying the texture image with glTexImage2D.
Otherwise, the image memory data is accessed outside the allowed range, resulting in an exception, or the lines of the image are misaligned, resulting in a shift effect after each line.

glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, 1);
glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGB, width, height, 0,
             GL_RGB, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, this->diffuseData);

The diffuse image in the question has a dimension of 390x390. So each row of the image has a size of 390 * 3 = 1170 bytes.
Since 1170 is not divisible by 4 (1170 / 4 = 292,5), the start of a row is not aligned to 4 bytes.

Failing to map a simple unsigned byte rgb texture to a quad, [C++] [GLSL]
Failing to map a simple unsigned byte rgb texture to a quad

GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT specifies the alignment requirements for the start of each pixel row in memory. By default GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT is set to 4. This means the start of each line of the image is assumed to be aligned to an address which is a multiple of 4.

You specify a 2*2 texture with the data: 255, 0, 0, 255, 0, 0, 255, 0, 0, 255, 0, 0

With GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT set to 4 this is interpreted as

          column 1        column 2              alignment
row 1:    255, 0,   0,    255, 0,     0,        255, 0,
row 2:    0,   255, 0,    0,   undef, undef

So the texture is read as

          column 1   olumn 2  
row 1:    red,       red,
row 2:    green,     RGB(0, ?, ?)

Opengl texture cylinder trouble, [C++]
OpenGL texture format, create image/texture data for OpenGL, C++

By default, each row of a texture should be aligned to 4 bytes. The texture is an RGB texture, which needs 24 bits or 3 bytes for each texel and the texture is tightly packed especially the rows of the texture. This means that the alignment of 4 bytes for the start of a line of the texture is disregarded (except 3 times the width of the texture is divisible by 4 without a remaining).
To deal with that the alignment has to be changed to 1. This means the GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT parameter has to be set before loading a tightly packed texture to the GPU (glTexImage2D).
Otherwise an offset of 0-3 bytes per line is gained, at texture lookup. This causes a continuously twisted or tilted texture.

Error when creating textures in WebGL with the RGB format

Texture not showing correctly?

By default OpenGL assumes that the size of each row of an image is aligned 4 bytes.

This is because the GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT parameter by default is 4.

Since the image has 3 color channels (because its a JPG), and is tightly packed the size of a row of the image may not be aligned to 4 bytes.

glTexImage2D data not filled as expected

If an RGB image with 3 color channels is loaded into a texture object, GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT must be set to 1:

gl.glPixelStorei(gl.GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, 1)
gl.glTexImage2D(gl.GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, iformat, width, height, 0, iformat, gl.GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, image)

GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT specifies the alignment requirements for the start of each pixel row in memory. By default GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT is set to 4. This means the start of each line of the image is assumed to be aligned to an address which is a multiple of 4. Since the image data is tightly packed and each pixel is 3 bytes in size, the alignment has to be changed.
If the width of the image is divisible by 4 (more exactly if 3*width is divisible by 4) then the error is not noticeable.

Since you are reading back the texture from the GPU, you also need to change GL_PACK_ALIGNMENT:

gl.glPixelStorei(gl.GL_PACK_ALIGNMENT, 1)
p = gl.glGetTexImage(gl.GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, iformat, gl.GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE)

C++ SOIL does not load small images

When the image is loaded to a texture object, then GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT has to be set to 1:

glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, 1);
glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGB, width, height, 0, GL_RGB, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, image);

Note, by default the parameter is 4. This means that each line of the image is assumed to be aligned to a size which is a multiple of 4. Since the image data are tightly packed and each pixel has a size of 3 bytes, the alignment has to be changed.

When the size of the image is 40 x 50 then the size of a line in bytes is 120, which is divisible by 4.
But if the size of the image is 30 x 40, the the size of a line in bytes is 90, which is not divisible by 4.

OpenGL 2D textures not displaying properly c++, C++

If an RGB image with 3 color channels is loaded into a texture object, GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT must be set to 1:

glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, 1);
glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGB, width, height, 0, GL_RGB,
             GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, imageData);

GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT specifies the alignment requirements for the start of each pixel row in memory. By default GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT is set to 4. This means the start of each line of the image is assumed to be aligned to an address which is a multiple of 4. Since the image data is tightly packed and each pixel is 3 bytes in size, the alignment has to be changed.
If the width of the image is divisible by 4 (more exactly if 3*width is divisible by 4) then the error is not noticeable.

To proper read the image the last parameter of stbi_load has to be 0 (since the jpg format provides 3 color channesl) or 3 (to force 3 color channels):

unsigned char* imageData = stbi_load(filePath.c_str(),
     &width, &height, &numComponents, 0);

Can’t load “glyp” properly for opengl using freetype2, C++

The GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT parameter defines the alignment of the first pixel in each row (line) of an image when the image is read form the buffer. By default the this parameter is 4.
Each pixel of the glyph image is encoded in one byte and the image is tightly packed. So the the alignment of the glyph image is 1 and the parameter has to be changed before the image is read and the texture is specified:

glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, 1);

If that is missed, this would cause a shift effect at each line of the image (except if the width of the image is divisible by 4).

OpenGL: Greyscale texture data layout doesn’t match when the dimensions aren’t divisible by 4, C++

By default OpenGL assumes that the start of each row of an image is aligned 4 bytes.

This is because the GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT parameter by default is 4.

Since the image has 1 (RED) color channel, and is tightly packed the start of a row of the image is aligned to 4 bytes if width=16, but it is not aligned to 4 bytes if width=15.

Change the the GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT parameter to 1, before specifying the two-dimensional texture image (glTexImage2D):

glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, 1);
glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RED, width, width, 
             0, GL_RED, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, localBuffer);

Since that is missed, this cause a shift effect at each line of the image, except if the width of the image is divisible by 4.
When the format of the image is changed to GL_RGBA, the the size of single pixel is 4, so the size of a line (in bytes) is divisible by 4 in any case.

How to glReadPixels properly to write the data into QImage in Linux

By default, the start of each row of an image is assumed to be aligned to 4 bytes. This is because the GL_PACK_ALIGNMENT respectively GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT parameter is by default 4, see glPixelStore.
When a framebuffer is read by glReadPixels the GL_PACK_ALIGNMENT parameter is considered.

If you want to read the image in a tightly packed memory, with not alignment at the start of each line, then you’ve to change the GL_PACK_ALIGNMENT parameter to 1, before reading the color plane of the framebuffer:

glPixelStorei(GL_PACK_ALIGNMENT, 1);

glReadPixels(0,0,unchangable_w, unchangable_h, GL_RED, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, tga.rpic);
glReadPixels(0,0,unchangable_w, unchangable_h, GL_GREEN, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, tga.gpic);
glReadPixels(0,0,unchangable_w, unchangable_h, GL_BLUE, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, tga.bpic); 

If that is missed, this cause a shift effect at each line of the image, except if the length of a line of the image in bytes is divisible by 4.

Display YUV(yuv420p) is not correct on IOS

By default OpenGL assumes that the start of each row of an image is aligned 4 bytes. This is because the GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT parameter by default is 4.
Since the images have 1 (GL_LUMINANCE) channel with a sizof 1 byte, and are tightly packed the start of a row is possibly misaligned.
Change the the GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT parameter to 1, before specifying the two-dimensional texture image (glTexImage2D).

Note glPixelStorei changes a global state, so it is sufficient to set the parameter once, before the texture images are specified by glTexImage2D.

glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, 1);

If you don’t set the alignment correctly, then this causes a shift effect at row of the texture and finally the image buffer is accessed out of bounds.

Note, the issue is cause by the width of the first texture which is 3268. So widht/2 is 1634. 1634 is not divisible by 4 (1634/4 = 408,5).
In compare the width of the 2nd texture is 1280. widht/2 is 640 and that is divisible by 4.
Actually an alignment of 2 (glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, 2);) would solve the issue, too (in this special case).

Internal texture format

How to render GL_SHORT in java (endian)?

The internal format GL_R16 for the data store of a texture image is not a singed format, but it is an unsigned integral 16 bit format.

I don’t know which OpenGL version you are using.

Desktop OpenGL provides the internal data format GL_R16_SNORM which is a 16 bit signed integral data format - see glTexImage3D.
GL_R16_SNORM is implemented in the interface GL2GL3:

gl2.glTexImage3D(GL2.GL_TEXTURE_3D, 0, GL2GL3.GL_R16_SNORM, nCols, nRows, nSlices, 0, GL2.GL_RED, GL.GL_SHORT, data);

OpenGL ES (3.0) provides an singed integral 8 bit format GL_R8_SNORM.
GL_R8_SNORM is implemented interface GL2ES3:

gl2.glTexImage3D(GL2.GL_TEXTURE_3D, 0, GL2ES3.GL_R8_SNORM, nCols, nRows, nSlices, 0, GL2.GL_RED, GL.GL_SHORT, data);

As an alternative both, desktop OpenGL and OpenGL ES, provide a 16 floating point format:


gl2.glTexImage3D(GL2.GL_TEXTURE_3D, 0, GL2.GL_R16F, nCols, nRows, nSlices, 0, GL2.GL_RED, GL.GL_SHORT, data);

Texture Filter and Texture Wrapping

Bilinear interpolation
Bilinear filtering: GL_LINEAR and no mipmap or GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST and mipmap

Trilinear interpolation
Trilinear filtering: GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR and mipmap
Common Mistakes - Automatic mipmap generation

Anisotropic filtering
Anisotropic Filtering
Sampler Object - Anisotropic filtering


See GLSL 4.60 Specification - 4.1.7. Opaque Types

[…] Texture-combined sampler types are opaque types, […]. When aggregated into arrays within a shader, they can only be indexed with a dynamically uniform integral expression, otherwise results are undefined.

This means the index has to be the “same” for all fragments (e.g. a constant or a uniform variable).

GLSL ES 3.20 Specification - 4.1.11. Opaque Types (page 32)

When aggregated into arrays within a shader, opaque types can only be indexed with a dynamically uniform integral expression. […]

Core Language (GLSL) - Dynamically uniform expression

OpenGL ES 1.1 Full Specification - 6 Texture Accesses; page 110:

Accessing mip-mapped textures within the body of a non-uniform conditional block gives an undefined value. A non-uniform conditional block is a block whose execution cannot be determined at compile time.

In a fragment shader, why can’t I use a flat input integer to index a uniform array of sampler2D?

[…] but can’t use it to index an array of samplers as expected because compiler sees it as “non-constant” […]

In GLSL up to version 3.30 respectively GLSL ES up to version 3.00, the index of an array of texture samplers has to be a constant expression:

GLSL 3.30 Specification - 4.1.7 Samplers (page 21)
GLSL ES 3.00 Specification - Samplers (page 29):

Samplers aggregated into arrays within a shader (using square brackets [ ]) can only be indexed with integral constant expressions […]

GLSL 4.60 Specification - 4.1.7. Opaque Types (page 33)

Texture-combined sampler types are opaque types, declared and behaving as described above for opaque types. When aggregated into arrays within a shader, they can only be indexed with a dynamically uniform integral expression, otherwise results are undefined. […]

In later version, the index to an array of samplers has to be “dynamically uniform”. This means the index has to be the “same” for all fragments (e.g. a constant or a uniform variable).

GLSL ES 3.20 Specification - 4.1.11. Opaque Types (page 32)

When aggregated into arrays within a shader, opaque types can only be indexed with a dynamically uniform integral expression. […]
[…] Sampler types (e.g. sampler2D) are opaque types […]

GLSL 4.60 Specification - 3.8.2. Dynamically Uniform Expressions (page 20)
GLSL ES 3.20 Specification - 3.9.3. Dynamically Uniform Expressions (page 22)

A fragment-shader expression is dynamically uniform if all fragments evaluating it get the same resulting value.

OpenGL sampler2D array

You cannot use a fragment shader input variable to index an array of texture samplers. You have to use a sampler2DArray (GL_TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY) instead of an array of sampler2D (GL_TEXTURE_2D).

int index = int(v_texIndex);
vec4 texColor = texture(u_Textures[index], v_TexCoord);

is undefined behavior because v_texIndex is a fragment shader input variable and therefore not a dynamically uniform expression. See GLSL 4.60 Specification - 4.1.7. Opaque Types

[…] Texture-combined sampler types are opaque types, […]. When aggregated into arrays within a shader, they can only be indexed with a dynamically uniform integral expression, otherwise results are undefined.

Example using sampler2DArray:

#version 450 core
layout(location = 0) out vec4 color;

in vec2 v_TexCoord;
in float v_texIndex;

uniform sampler2DArray u_Textures;

void main() 
    color = texture(u_Textures, vec3(v_TexCoord.xy, v_texIndex));

texture is overloaded for all sampler types. The texture coordinates and texture layer need not to dynamically uniform, but the index into a sampler array has to be dynamically uniform.

Reflection texture from FBO getting to correct image, C++

I assume the you have set the texture wrap parameters for GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S and GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T to GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE. See glTexParameter.

This causes that any texture coordinate are clamped to the range [0+1/(2*texturSize), 1-1/(2*textureSize)].

GLSL Sampler2D tiling issue, [Three.js] [GLSL]

GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE causes ss coordinates to be clamped to the range [1/(2*N), 1 ? 1/(2*N)], where N is the size of the texture in the direction of clamping.


In three.js the texture wrap parameters can be set as follows (see Texture and Texture Constants):

var texture = new THREE.TextureLoader().load( textureFileName );
texture.wrapS = THREE.ClampToEdgeWrapping;
texture.wrapT = THREE.ClampToEdgeWrapping;

This means the texture coordinates, which are passed to texture2D are clamped, if they are less than 0.0 or greater than 1.0. In fact, the u (x) coordinate is clamped to [0.5/width, (width-0.5)/width] and the v (y) coordinate is clamped to [0.5/height, (hight-0.5)/height].

OpenGL. What should take glEnable for make texute transparent and with hard pixel edges, Python

The texture magnification function is used when the texture is magnified.
The magnification function can be set by glTexParameteri. Possible values are GL_LINEAR and GL_NEAREST. The initial value is GL_LINEAR.
While the parameter GL_LINEAR would cause that the weighted average of the 4 texture elements that are closest to the specified texture coordinates are returned, GL_NEAREST causes that the value of the texture element that is nearest is returned, when the texture is looked up.

Pygame and PyOpenGL quad texturing problem Python

When I change GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER to GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER in glTexParameteri the texture disappears. Why?

The initial value of GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER is GL_NEAREST_MIPMAP_LINEAR. If you don’t change it and don’t create mipmaps, the texture will not be “complete” and will not be “shown” “shown”. See glTexParameter.

See OpenGL 4.6 API Compatibility Profile Specification; 8.17 Texture Completeness; page 306

A texture is said to be complete if all the texture images and texture parameters required to utilize the texture for texture application are consistently defined.

… a texture is complete unless any of the following conditions hold true:

When I change GL_LINEAR to GL_NEAREST, nothing happens. The used texture’s resolution changed to 300x300px. Why is that?

If the texture is smaller than the region where the texture is wrapped to, the the minification filter has not effect, but the magnification would have an effect. If you set the value GL_NEAREST to the GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER then the texels are not interpolated any more.


How can I make mipmaps and then using them?

Mipmaps can be generated by glGenerateMipmap:

glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 3, width, height, 0, GL_RGB, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, textureData)

The loadImage() function make a texture. How knows PyOpenGL which texture should be used in the makeQuad() function?

OpenGL is a state engine. Each state is kept until you change it again, even beyond frames. Since you have bound the texture in loadImage

glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, bgImgGL)

the currently named texture object, which is bound to texture unit 0 is bgImgGL. This texture is used for drawing.

OpenGL - Simple 2D Texture Not Being Displayed, C++

The initial value of GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER is GL_NEAREST_MIPMAP_LINEAR. When using this filter, and no mipmaps are generate then the texture is not complete.

OpenGL ES 3.2 Specification; 8.17 Texture Completeness; page 205

A texture is said to be complete if all the texture images and texture parameters required to utilize the texture for texture application are consistently defined.

… a texture is complete unless any of the following conditions hold true:

glTexImage2D won’t work, but setting FragColor to vec4(1.0, 0, 0, 1.0) gives me red image, C++

You cant “see” the image, because the texture is not mipmap complete.

See OpenGL 4.6 API Compatibility Profile Specification; 8.17 Texture Completeness; page 306

A texture is said to be complete if all the texture images and texture parameters required to utilize the texture for texture application are consistently defined.

… a texture is complete unless any of the following conditions hold true:

The initial value of GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER is GL_NEAREST_MIPMAP_LINEAR. If you don’t change it and you don’t create mipmaps, then the texture is not “complete” and will not be “shown”. See glTexParameter.

Either set the minification filter to GL_NEAREST or GL_LINEAR


or generate mipmaps by glGenerateMipmap(GL_TEXTURE_2D) to solve the issue.

Problems using GLTexImage3D correctly, C#

The texture wrap parameters GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T and GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_R are by default GL_REPEAT.
The default parameters for the minifying function (GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER) and magnification function are (GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER) are GL_NEAREST_MIPMAP_LINEAR respectively GL_LINEAR.
See glTexParameter.

The combination of “REPEAT” and “LINEAR” causes, that the first voxel is mixed (interpolated) with the last voxel of a row, column, or depth-layer, if the the texture coordinate parameters, which is passed to the lookup function, is 0.0.

If you would use the wrap parameter GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE, then the first and the last voxel won’t become mixed, because the texture coordinate is clamped.

Note the texture coordinate of the first voxel (or texel) is 1/(2*N) and the coordinate of the last voxel is 1 - 1/(2*N), where N is the number of voxels in a row, column or layer. Because of that the coordinate 0.0, is exactly in the middle of the first and the last voxel. GL_REPEAT would clamp the coordinate 0.0 to 1/(2*N).

How to properly upscale a texture in opengl?, C++

Lets assume you have a 2x2 texture

If this texture is wrapped on a grid of 6x6 fragments, the the center of a texel is on exactly on the texel in the middel of 3x3 tile of the 6x6 square:

2x2 texture 2x2 texture wrapped to 6x6 quad

The color of the other fragments depends on the the texture parameters - see glTexParameter.

Since the texture is magnified, the GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER is significant.

If it is GL_NEAREST, then the color of the fragments is that one of the closest texel, to the texture coordinates of the fragment:

2x2 texture filter nearest

If it is GL_LINEAR, then the color is interpolated, by the weighted average of the 4 pixels which are closest to the texture coordinates.

The interpolation at the borders of the 6x6 quad depends on the wrap parameters GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S and GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T.

If the parameters are GL_REPEAT (which is default), the the texture is treated as an endless texture and the interpolation of the interpolation of the color at the borders takes into account the texels on the opposite side of the texture. This is used for seamless textures and tiling:

2x2 texture filter nearest wrap repeat

If it is GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE, then the interpolated color at the borders is clamped to the color of the texels at the border of the texture:

2x2 texture filter nearest wrap clamp to edge

Heavy image downsampling artefacts, [WebGL]

The quality of minified textures can be improved by using Trilinear filtering and Mip Mapping.

For this the texture minifying function (gl.TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER) has to be set to one of gl.NEAREST_MIPMAP_NEAREST, gl.NEAREST_MIPMAP_LINEAR, gl.LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST or gl.LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR - See WebGL 2.0 Specification; 3.7.6 Texture objects.

Further, mip maps can be generated by gl.generateMipmap automatically - See WebGL 2.0 Specification; 5.41 GenerateMipmap requires positive image dimensions - or even manually, by loading different images to the layers of the texture.

//gl.texParameteri(gl.TEXTURE_2D, gl.TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, gl.LINEAR);
gl.texParameteri(gl.TEXTURE_2D, gl.TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, gl.LINEAR);

var mipLevel = 0;
gl.texImage2D(gl.TEXTURE_2D, mipLevel, gl.RGBA, gl.RGBA, gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE, image);


OpenGl texture wrapping

See OpenGL 4.6 API Core Profile Specification; 8.14.2 Coordinate Wrapping and Texel Selection; page 257, Table 8.20

MIRRORED_REPEAT : (size − 1) − mirror(coord mod (2 × size)) − size)  where `mirror(a)` returns a `if a ≥ 0`, and `−(1 + a)` otherwise.

This means if the texture is tiled then the even tiles are draw as the texture is and the odd tiles are drawn mirrored.

If the texture coordinate are in [0, 1], [2, 3], [4, 5], …, then the wrap function returns a corresponding coordinate in range [0, 1].
If the texture coordinate are in [1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6], …, then the wrap function returns a corresponding mirrored coordinate in range [1, 0].

The wrap function is applied to each coordinate separately and for each coordinate a separate, different wrap function can be set.

How to set texture parameters in OpenGL/GLFW to avoid texture aliasing (wavey behavior on object borders) when viewing objects from a distance?

If you want to enable Mip Mapping, then you have to use one of the minifying functions like GL_NEAREST_MIPMAP_NEAREST, GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST, GL_NEAREST_MIPMAP_LINEAR or GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR, see glTexParameter and Texture - Mip Maps:


A further improvement can be gained by Anisotropic filtering, which is provides by the extension ARB_texture_filter_anisotropic and is a core feature since OpenGL 4.6.



See Sampler Object - Anisotropic filtering

Textures have a black color regardless of the data I put in them [WebGL], [[Javascript]

You’ve to set the texture minifying function to a “non mipmap” filter, else the texture is not mipmap complete. e.g.:

gl.texParameteri(gl.TEXTURE_2D, gl.TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, gl.LINEAR);

By default the minifing parameter is NEAREST_MIPMAP_LINEAR. This parameter value requires a mipmap for the texture, to be complete.

The other option is to generate mipmaps by:


But for that the width and the height of the texture have to be a power of two (for WebGL 1.0). See WebGL specification - 5.13.8 Texture objects.

Note, if a texture is not mipmap complete, then the return value of a texel fetch is (0, 0, 0, 1), this causes the “black” color.

OpenGL 4.6 API Core Profile Specification, Texture Access

If a sampler is used in a shader and the sampler’s associated texture is not complete, as defined in section 8.17, (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0), in floating-point, will be returned for a non-shadow sampler and 0 for a shadow sampler


Why are Uniform variables not working in GLSL?, Java

Your shader code can’t work at all, because of


samplers is an array of sampler2D and index is set from the vertex shader input samplerIndex:

int index = int(samplerIndex);

See GLSL version 3.30, which you use (from OpenGL Shading Language 3.30 Specification - 4.1.7 Samplers ):

Samplers aggregated into arrays within a shader (using square brackets [ ]) can only be indexed with integral constant expressions

See GLSL version 4.60 (most recent) (from OpenGL Shading Language 4.60 Specification - 4.1.7. Opaque Types):
(This rule applies to all the versions since GLSL 4.00)

When aggregated into arrays within a shader, these types can only be indexed with a dynamically uniform expression, or texture lookup will result in undefined values.

Thus, neither in the GLSL version which you use, nor in the most recent version, array of samplers can be indexed by an vertex shader input (attribute).

Since GLSL 4.00 it would be possible to index an array of samplers by an uniform, because indexing by a uniform variable is a dynamically uniform expression.

I recommend to use s sampler2DArray (see Sampler) rather than an array of sampler2D.
When you use a sampler2DArray, then you don’t need any indexing at all, because the “index” is encoded in the 3rd component of the texture coordinate at texture lookup (see texture).

Multiple cube map textures behaving strangely when amount of textures increases

The behavior of the fragment shader is undefined, because of:

in flat float TexID;
uniform samplerCube cubeTextures[3];
int id = int(TexID);
... cubeTextures[id] ...

cubeTextures is an array of cube map samplers and TexID is a fragment shader input, thus TexID is not a Dynamically uniform expression

See GLSL version 4.60 (most recent) (from OpenGL Shading Language 4.60 Specification - 4.1.7. Opaque Types):

When aggregated into arrays within a shader, these types can only be indexed with a dynamically uniform expression, or texture lookup will result in undefined values.

I recommend to use samplerCubeArray (see Sampler) rather than an array of samplerCube.
When you use a samplerCubeArray, then you don’t need any indexing at all, because the “index” is encoded in the 4th component of the texture coordinate at texture lookup (see texture).

Accessing the index of an implicitly defined array in GLSL

You are getting the error because you have code that violates the specification. See the (most recent) OpenGL Shading Language 4.60 Specification - 4.1.9. Arrays:

It is legal to declare an array without a size (unsized) and then later redeclare the same name as an array of the same type and specify a size, or index it only with constant integral expressions (implicitly sized).

What you try to do is not the create an implicitly-sized array, but an dynamically-sized array.

It is not possible to create uniform array with a variable size. A variable size is just possible for the bottommost variable in a Shader Storage Block.
Anyway you should prefer to use an sampler2DArray instead of an array of sampler2D. With a sampler array, you must use a separate texture unit for each element, and the array index must be a Dynamically uniform expression

Texture format and texture swizzle

Image Format
sRGB colorspace - non linear colorspace

How will it be when in glTexImage2D I choose different internal format from how I sample it in shader?, [C++]
SSAO working but has a weird Red colour overlay, [C++]
OpenGL grayscale texture as float wrong format, C++

The Image Format specification of Khronos group says:

Image formats do not have to store each component. When the shader samples such a texture, it will still resolve to a 4-value RGBA vector. The components not stored by the image format are filled in automatically. Zeros are used if R, G, or B is missing, while a missing Alpha always resolves to 1.

Note: Texture swizzling can change what the missing values are.

See OpenGL 4.6 API Core Profile Specification; 15.2. SHADER EXECUTION; page 487:
See OpenGL 4.6 API Compatibility Profile Specification; 16.1 Texture Environments and Texture Functions; page 595:

When a texture lookup is performed in a fragment shader, the GL computes the filtered texture value … and converts it to a texture base color Cb as shown in table 15.1, …

Texture Base Texture base color Internal Format    Cb              Ab
RED                                                (Rt, 0, 0)      1
RG                                                 (Rt, Gt, 0)     1
RGB                                                (Rt, Gt, Bt)    1
RGBA                                               (Rt, Gt, Bt)    At

Table 15.1: Correspondence of filtered texture components to texture base components.

followed by swizzling the components of Cb, controlled by the values of the texture parameters TEXTURE_SWIZZLE_R, TEXTURE_SWIZZLE_G, TEXTURE_SWIZZLE_B, and TEXTURE_SWIZZLE_A. If the value of TEXTURE_SWIZZLE_R is denoted by swizzler, swizzling computes the first component of Cs according to

if (swizzler == RED)
    Cs[0] = Cb[0];
else if (swizzler == GREEN)
    Cs[0] = Cb[1];
else if (swizzler == BLUE)
    Cs[0] = Cb[2];
else if (swizzler == ALPHA)
    Cs[0] = Ab;
else if (swizzler == ZERO)
    Cs[0] = 0;
else if (swizzler == ONE)
    Cs[0] = 1; // float or int depending on texture component type

GLSL Shader going black when I try to sample a texture, [C] [Fixed Function]

The internal texture format GL_BGR is not valid. GL_BGR is a valid for the format of the source texture, but the internal representation has to be GL_RGB.
See glTexImage2D.

See the Khronos reference page GLAPI/glTexImage2D which says:

To define texture images, call glTexImage2D. The arguments describe the parameters of the texture image, such as height, width, width of the border, level-of-detail number (see glTexParameter), and number of color components provided. The last three arguments describe how the image is represented in memory.

format​ determines the composition of each element in data​. It can assume one of these symbolic values:

GL_BGR: Each element is an RGB triple. The GL converts it to floating point and assembles it into an RGBA element by attaching 1 for alpha. Each component is clamped to the range [0,1].

What is the meaning of s,t,p,q in Vector components?, [three.js]

See WebGL Specification Vesion 1.0:

4.3 Supported GLSL Constructs

A WebGL implementation must only accept shaders which conform to The OpenGL ES Shading Language, Version 1.00 …

See the OpenGL ES Shading Language 1.00 Specification :

5.5 Vector Components

The names of the components of a vector or scalar are denoted by a single letter. As a notational convenience, several letters are associated with each component based on common usage of position, color or texture coordinate vectors. The individual components can be selected by following the variable name with period ( . ) and then the component name.

The component names supported are:

The component names x, r, and s are, for example, synonyms for the same (first) component in a vector. Note that the third component of the texture coordinate set, r in OpenGL ES, has been renamed p so as to avoid the confusion with r (for red) in a color.

android bitmap pixel format for glTexImage2D, [Android]

This issue can’t be solved in OpenGL ES 1.1 but it would be solvable in OpenGL ES 3.0 or by OpenGL extension EXT_texture_swizzle:

Since OpenGL ES 3.0 you can use the texture swizzle parameters to swap the color channels. See glTexParameter:


Sets the swizzle that will be applied to the r component of a texel before it is returned to the shader. Valid values for param are GL_RED, GL_GREEN, GL_BLUE, GL_ALPHA, GL_ZERO and GL_ONE. If GL_TEXTURE_SWIZZLE_R is GL_RED, the value for r will be taken from the first channel of the fetched texel. If GL_TEXTURE_SWIZZLE_R is GL_GREEN, the value for r will be taken from the second channel of the fetched texel. …

This means the color channels will be swapped when the texture is looked up, when you set the following texture parameters to the texture object:


The relevant part in the specification can be found at OpenGL ES 3.0.5 Specification; 3.8.14 Texture State; page 162

To check if an OpenGL extension is valid, glGetString(GL_EXTENSIONS) can be use, which returns a space-separated list of supported extensions.

A completely different solution would be to use a Canvas for the conversion. Draw the Bitmap on the canvas, and then use the target bitmap, which is hold by the canvas.
I found this solution on GitHub: fix android 2.3 can’t decode bitmap in rgba8888 format

public static Bitmap convert(Bitmap bitmap, Bitmap.Config config) {
    Bitmap convertedBitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(bitmap.getWidth(), bitmap.getHeight(), config);
    Canvas canvas          = new Canvas(convertedBitmap);
    Paint  paint           = new Paint();
    canvas.drawBitmap(bitmap, 0, 0, paint);
    return convertedBitmap;

Why do the textured image colors are not the same as the origin?, Java

At OpenGL there is the possibility, to use the GL_BGR format, which specifies a internal format where the color channels are swapped (in compare to GL_RGB).

See OpenGL 4 Refpages - glTexImage2D and OpenGL Renders texture with different color than original image?.

At OpenGL ES you have to manually swap the red and blue color channel, because the internal format GL_BGR is missing.

See OpenGL ES 3.0 Refpages - glTexImage2D and lwjgl - class GL11.

pixels = BufferUtils.createByteBuffer(bytePixels.length);
for (int i = 0; i < pixels.length; i += 3) {
    byte t = pixels[i];
    pixels[i] = pixels[i+2];
    pixels[i+2] = t;

Another possibility would be given in OpenGL ES 3.0 or by OpenGL extension EXT_texture_swizzle:

Since OpenGL ES 3.0 you can use the texture swizzle parameters to swap the color channels. See glTexParameter:


Sets the swizzle that will be applied to the r component of a texel before it is returned to the shader. Valid values for param are GL_RED, GL_GREEN, GL_BLUE, GL_ALPHA, GL_ZERO and GL_ONE. If GL_TEXTURE_SWIZZLE_R is GL_RED, the value for r will be taken from the first channel of the fetched texel. If GL_TEXTURE_SWIZZLE_R is GL_GREEN, the value for r will be taken from the second channel of the fetched texel. …

This means the color channels will be swapped when the texture is looked up, by setting the following texture parameters to the texture object:


The relevant part in the specification can be found at OpenGL ES 3.0.5 Specification; 3.8.14 Texture State; page 162

To check if an OpenGL extension is valid, glGetString(GL_EXTENSIONS) can be use, which returns a space-separated list of supported extensions.

Surface poorly filled with sdl_ttf, C++

The format and type parameter of glTexImage2Dspecifiy how e single pixel is encoded.
When the texture font is created, then each pixel is encoded to a single byte. This means your texture consist of a single color channel and each pixel has 1 byte. Im very sure that colors = surface->format->BytesPerPixel is 1. Note that it is completely sufficient to encode the glyph in one color channel, because there glyph just consists of a information.

By default OpenGL assumes that the start of each row of an image is aligned 4 bytes. This is because the GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT parameter by default is 4. Since the image has 1 (RED) color channel, and is tightly packed the start of a row is possibly misaligned.
Change the the GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT parameter to 1, before specifying the two-dimensional texture image (glTexImage2D).

Since the texture has only one (red) color channel, the green an blue color will be 0 and the alpha channel will be 1 when the texture is looked up. But you can treat green, blue and even the alpha channel to be read from the red color channel, too. This can be achieved by setting the texture swizzle parameters GL_TEXTURE_SWIZZLE_G, GL_TEXTURE_SWIZZLE_B respectively GL_TEXTURE_SWIZZLE_A. See glTexParameter.

Further not that the texture parameter are stored in the texture object. glTexParameter changes the texture object which is currently bound to the specified targetof the current texture unit. So it is sufficient to set the parameters once when the texture image is created.
In compare glPixelStore changes global states an ma have to be set to its default value after specifying the texture image (if later calls to glTexImage2D rely on it).

The specification of the 2 dimensional texture image and setting the parameters may look as follows:

glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, 1);
glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_R8, surface->w, surface->h, 0,
             GL_RED, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, surface->pixels);
glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, 4);



Texture unit and texture binding

Texture units overlap? Rendered the wrong texture, [C++]
At what point is the cube drawn?, C++

If a values is assigned to a uniform, the the uniform has to be identified by the uniform location index. See Uniform (GLSL)

The fist parameter of glUniform1i has to be the location of the uniform and not the named texture object.

The location of a uniform can be set explicit, in shader by a Layout Qualifier


layout(location = 7) uniform sampler2D u_gloss;
initTexture(2, m_glossMapTex, "images/gloss.png");
glUniform1i(7, 2); // uniform location 7

If the location of the uniform is not set by a layout qualifier, then the uniform location is set automatically when the program is linked. You can ask for this location by glGetUniformLocation:


uniform sampler2D u_texture;
GLuint program_obj = ... ;
GLint tex_location = glGetUniformLocation(program_obj , "u_texture");

GLuint tex_obj_A = ... ;
GLuint tex_obj_B = ... ;

int unit_tex0 = 0;
int unit_tex1 = 1;

glActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE0 + unit_tex0);
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, tex_obj_A);
glActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE0 + unit_tex1);
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, tex_obj_B);

Since GLSL version 4.2 this can be done in the fragment shader by specifying binding points - See OpenGL Shading Language 4.20 Specification - 4.4.4 Opaque-Uniform Layout Qualifiers; page 60:

#version 420

layout (binding = 0) uniform sampler2D u_texture0;
layout (binding = 1) uniform sampler2D u_texture1;

glActiveTexture default behavior not as anticipated, [C++]
Use texture as palette in OpenGL ES 2.0 shader, [Android]

See OpenGL 4.6 API Compatibility Profile Specification; 7.10 Samplers; page 154:

Samplers are special uniforms used in the OpenGL Shading Language to identify the texture object used for each texture lookup. The value of a sampler indicates the texture image unit being accessed. Setting a sampler’s value to i selects texture image unit number i.

PyOpenGL fragment shader texture sampling, Python

In glsl uniform variables are default initialized by 0 respectively 0.0. So the value of the texture sampler uniform textureObj is initialized by (texture unit) 0, too.

Further there is the default texture object (0). If you don’t create and bind a named texture object, then there is still the default texture object (0), and glTexImage2D specifies the texture image of the default texture object (0).

OpenGL 4.6 API Compatibility Profile Specification; 8.1 Texture Objects; page 179

Textures in GL are represented by named objects. The name space for texture objects is the unsigned integers, with zero reserved by the GL to represent the default texture object. The default texture object is bound to each of the TEXTURE_1D, TEXTURE_2D, TEXTURE_3D, […] targets during context initialization.

GLSL - The OpenGL Shading Language 4.6; 4.3.5. Uniform Variables; page 50

The uniform qualifier is used to declare global variables whose values are the same across the entire primitive being processed. All uniform variables are read-only and are initialized externally either at link time or through the API. The link-time initial value is either the value of the variable’s initializer, if present, or 0 if no initializer is present.

How do you “free” a texture unit?, C++

You can’t “free” the texture unit, but you can bind the default texture object to the texture unit.

See OpenGL 4.6 API Compatibility Profile Specification; 8.1 Texture Objects; page 178:

Textures in GL are represented by named objects. The name space for texture objects is the unsigned integers, with zero reserved by the GL to represent the default texture object.
The binding is effected by calling

void BindTexture( enum target, uint texture );

with target set to the desired texture target and texture set to the unused name.

This means

GLuint defaultTextureObjectID = 0;
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, defaultTextureObjectID);

will bind the default texture object to texture unit 0.

Since OpenGL 4.5 it can be used glBindTextureUnit

The command

void BindTextureUnit( uint unit, uint texture );

binds an existing texture object to the texture unit numbered unit. texture must be zero or the name of an existing texture object. When texture is the name of an existing texture object, that object is bound to the target, in the corresponding texture unit, that was specified when the object was created.

The following too:

glBindTextureUnit( 0, 0 ); // texture unit 0, default texture object (0)

Can’t texture and transform at the same time, C++

You confuse the location of the texture sampler uniform variable and the texture unit.

The location of the uniform variable is an active program resource, which can be get by glGetUniformLocation:

const auto Textureloc = glGetUniformLocation(ourShader.Program, "ourTexture");

But you can choose a texture unit a texture unit, and bind the texture to this unit.
Then you have to set the texture unit index value to the texture sampler uniform:


GLuint unit = 3;
glBindTextureUnit(unit, texture);
glUniform1i(Textureloc, unit);

Note, the texture unit is the link between the shader program and the texture object.

See OpenGL 4.6 API Compatibility Profile Specification; 7.10 Samplers; page 154:

Samplers are special uniforms used in the OpenGL Shading Language to identify the texture object used for each texture lookup. The value of a sampler indicates the texture image unit being accessed. Setting a sampler’s value to i selects texture image unit number i.

The former code has worked and you have “seen” the texture because, if you the uniform variable “transform” is not used, then the uniform is not active and doesn’t get a uniform location. So "ourTexture" is the only uniform left and likely has the uniform location 0 (Textureloc == 0).
Since the value of "ourTexture" is not set explicitly, its value is the default value 0.
In this special case the texture unit, the location Textureloc and the value of "ourTexture" are equal, they are all 0. Your code worked coincidentally.

Since GLSL version 4.2, the texture unit can be set by a Layout Qualifier (GLSL) within the shader, too. The Binding point corresponds to the texture unit:

GLuint unit = 3;
glBindTextureUnit(unit, texture); 

Vertex shader: binding = 3 means texture unit 3

layout(binding = 3) uniform sampler2D ourTexture;

Correspondance between texture units and sampler uniforms in opengl

You have to set the index of the texture unit to sampler uniform (similar as setting the value of a uniform variable of type int). e.g. value 1 for GL_TEXTURE1.

See OpenGL 4.6 API Compatibility Profile Specification; 7.10 Samplers; page 154:

Samplers are special uniforms used in the OpenGL Shading Language to identify the texture object used for each texture lookup. The value of a sampler indicates the texture image unit being accessed. Setting a sampler’s value to i selects texture image unit number i.


layout (location = 11) uniform sampler2D color;
layout (location = 12) uniform sampler2D tex;
layout (location = 13) uniform sampler2D norm;
glUniform1i(11, 0); // 0: GL_TEXTURE0
glUniform1i(12, 1); // 1: GL_TEXTURE1
glUniform1i(13, 2); // 2: GL_TEXTURE2

Since GLSL version 4.2 this can be done in the fragment shader by specifying binding points - See OpenGL Shading Language 4.20 Specification - 4.4.4 Opaque-Uniform Layout Qualifiers; page 60:

#version 420

layout (binding = 0) uniform sampler2D color;
layout (binding = 1) uniform sampler2D tex;
layout (binding = 2) uniform sampler2D norm;

Should I write logic in fragment shader in this case?, [GLSL]

Create a 1x1 texture with a single (white) color and use it for the uniform colored cubes. Binding and using this texture is much “cheaper” than changing the shader program:

let whiteTexture = gl.createTexture();
gl.bindTexture(gl.TEXTURE_2D, whiteTexture);
gl.texImage2D(gl.TEXTURE_2D, 0, gl.RGBA, 1, 1, 0, gl.RGBA, gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE,
                new Uint8Array([255,255,255,255]));
gl.texParameteri(gl.TEXTURE_2D, gl.TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, gl.NEAREST);
gl.texParameteri(gl.TEXTURE_2D, gl.TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, gl.NEAREST);

Note, the lookup to this texture (texture2D(u_texture, TextureCoordinates)) will always return vec4(1.0).

If the texture is bound (to the texture unit which is assigned to u_texture), then

FragColor = Color * texture2D(u_texture, TextureCoordinates);

will sets the same fragment color as

FragColor = Color * vec4(1.0); 

OpenGL: Some clarification on using multiple textures or texture units, C++

If you want to use multiple 2 dimensional textures in one shader program, then you’ve to bind the different texture objects to different texture units.
It is not necessary that the proper texture unit is selected (glActiveTexture) when the texture name (value) is generated (glGenTextures) or when the texture image is specified (glTexImage2D), but the texture has to be bound to the proper texture unit before the object (mesh) is drawn by the use of the shader program.

The binding between the texture sampler uniform in the shader program and the texture object is achieved, by binding the texture to a texture unit and setting the number of the texture unit to uniform variable.

The value of the uniform can either be set by glUniform1i

texUniformID[0] = glGetUniformLocation(myShaderProgram, "tex1");
texUniformID[1] = glGetUniformLocation(myShaderProgram, "tex2");
glUniform1i(texUniformID[0], 0);
glUniform1i(texUniformID[1], 1);

or in-shader by a Binding point layout qualifier:

layout(binding = 0) uniform sampler2D tex1;
layout(binding = 1) uniform sampler2D tex2;

Since the binding points are 0 and 1, the texture objects have to be bound to the texture units 0 (GL_TEXTURE0 ) and 1 (GL_TEXTURE1), before drawing the geometry with the shader program:

glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, texName[0]);
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, texName[1]);


But it is not necessary to select the texture unit 0 respectively 1, when the texture is “created”:

glGenTextures(2, texName);

// Initialize first texture
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, texName[0]);
glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_R32F, xDim0, yDim0, 0, GL_RED, GL_FLOAT, data1);

// Initialize second texture
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, texName[1]);
glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGB, xDim1, yDim1, 0, GL_RGB, GL_FLOAT, data2);

Of course you can select a texture unit before creating the textures, then it is superfluous to bind them later. But note, glGenTextures doesn’t create a texture object, it just reserves names (values) which can be used for texture objects. The texture is created when the name (value) the first time is bound to a texturing target by glBindTexture. This means glBindTexture creates a texture if it doesn’t exist or it use the existing texture. glTexImage2D specifies, creates and initialize the image of the existing texture object which is bound to the specified target of the current texture unit:

glGenTextures(2, texName);

// Initialize first texture
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, texName[0]);
glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_R32F, xDim0, yDim0, 0, GL_RED, GL_FLOAT, data1);

// Initialize second texture
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, texName[1]);
glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGB, xDim1, yDim1, 0, GL_RGB, GL_FLOAT, data2);

glTexSubImage2D updates the content of a texture image of the texture object which is currently bound to the specified target of the current texture unit. All you’ve to do is to bind the texture object.

glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, texName[0]);
glTexSubImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, ...);

But note that glBindTexture binds the texture to the currently selected texture unit, so it may mess up your combinations of texture objects and texture units, if the “wrong” texture unit is currently selected (The current texture unit is a global state). So it may make sense to select the proper texture unit. If the texture object is still bound to the texture unit, it is unnecessary to bind it agian:

glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, texName[0]); // <-- this is possibly unnecessary
glTexSubImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, ...);

Of course different shader programs can use the same binding points. But note that the number of texture units is limited. If you’ve a lot of textures it is not possible to bind each texture object to a different texture unit. But, if you’ve 2 texture objects and different shader programs it is handy to bind the 2 texture objects to different texture inits and to (re)use the same binding points in each shader program.

binding buffers multiple times in openGL

glBindTexture binds a texture to specified target and the current texture unit. The current texture unit is set by glActiveTexture. The current texture unit is a global state, and glBindTexture considers that state.

That meas when you do

glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, texture1);
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, texture2);

after that texture2 is bound to the current texture unit (GL_TEXTURE0 by default) and the current texture unit is GL_TEXTURE1. Note texture1
is just bound for a short moment, but the binding is lost, when texture2 is bound.

In compare, when you do

glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, texture1);
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, texture2);

The current texture unit is explicitly set to GL_TEXTURE0 and texture1 is bound to texture texture unit 0. After that the current texture unit is switched to GL_TEXTURE1 and texture2 is bound to texture unit 1 (because it is current at this moment).

Note, with the use of Direct State Access and glBindTextureUnit (since OpenGL 4.5) a texture can be bound to a texture unit directly. e.g.:

glBindTextureUnit(GL_TEXTURE0, texture1);
glBindTextureUnit(GL_TEXTURE1, texture2);

Texture Coordinates

OpenGL 4.6 API core profile specification; 8.5. TEXTURE IMAGE SPECIFICATION; page 214

An element (i, j, k) of the texture image is called a texel (for a two-dimensional texture or one-dimensional array texture, k is irrelevant; for a one-dimensional texture, j and k are both irrelevant). The texture value used in texturing a fragment is determined by sampling the texture in a shader, but may not correspond to any actual texel. See figure 8.3.

texture coordinates

Figure 8.3. A texture image and the coordinates used to access it. This is a twodimensional texture with width 8 and height 4. A one-dimensional texture would consist of a single horizontal strip. ? and ?, values used in blending adjacent texels to obtain a texture value are also shown.

See also OpenGL ES 3.2 Specification; 8.5. TEXTURE IMAGE SPECIFICATION; page 167

getting a region from texture atlas with opengl using soil, [C++] [Fixed Function]

Texture coordinates map the vertices (points) of the geometry to a point in the texture image. Thereby it is specified which part of the texture is placed on an specific part of the geometry and together with the texture parameters (see glTexParameter) it specifies how the geometry is wrapped by the texture.
In general, the lower left point of the texture is addressed by the texture coordinate (0, 0) and the upper right point of the texture is addressed by (1, 1).

UV wrapping

Cylindrical UV mapping, [GLSL]

The vertex coordinates at the seam of the texture, where the u component of the texture coordinate is 0, has to be duplicated, because it has to be associated to a texture coordinate where u==1, too. At the seam of the texture which is wrapped around the circumference of the rotation body, the u coordinate starts with the value 0, but it ends on the same point with the value 1.

If you don`t do so, a transition from the last point on the circumference to the first point is generated. There is no clear seam where the texture ends and starts again, but there is linear transition from somewhere near the end of the texture to its begin. The entire texture is squeezed in this small transition area (flipped along the y axis).

cylinder uv wrap



OpenGL cubemap face order & sampling issue, C++

OpenGL 4.6 API Core Profile Specification, 8.13 Cube Map Texture Selection, page 253
OpenGL ES 3.2 Specification, 8.13 Cube Map Texture Selection, page 193

When a cube map texture is sampled, the $(s \; t \; r)$ texture coordinates are treated as a direction vector $(r_x \; r_y \; r_z)$ emanating from the center of a cube. The $q$ coordinate is ignored. At texture application time, the interpolated per-fragment direction vector selects one of the cube map face’s two-dimensional images based on the largest magnitude coordinate direction (the major axis direction). If two or more coordinates have the identical magnitude, the implementation may define the rule to disambiguate this situation. The rule must be deterministic and depend only on $(r_x \; r_y \; r_z)$. The target column in table 8.19 explains how the major axis direction maps to the two-dimensional image of a particular cube map target. Using the $s_c$, $t_c$, and $m_a$ determined by the major axis direction as specified in table 8.19, an updated $(s \; t)$ is calculated as follows:

$\displaystyle s\; = \; \frac{1}{2} \left( \frac{s_c}{\left m_a\right } \, + \, 1\right)$
$\displaystyle t\; = \; \frac{1}{2} \left( \frac{t_c}{\left m_a\right } \, + \, 1\right)$
Major Axis Direction|        Target             |sc |tc |ma |
       +rx          |TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X|−rz|−ry| rx|
       −rx          |TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_X| rz|−ry| rx|
       +ry          |TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_Y| rx| rz| ry|
       −ry          |TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_Y| rx|−rz| ry|
       +rz          |TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_Z| rx|−ry| rz|
       −rz          |TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_Z|−rx|−ry| rz|

Table 8.19: Selection of cube map images based on major axis direction of texture coordinates

OpenGL Environment mapping Reflection, [C++]
How to rotate Cubemap face without memory copy in OpenGL?, C++

The line of sight direction (LOS) and up vector (up) for each of the 6 cubemap sides is:


three.js and GLSL: Scaling a Texture, [three.js]

The texture coordinate of textureCube is a 3D direction vector, it does a 3-dimensional look up. Cube map textures are not sampled like 2D textures. The direction goes out of the center of the cube, which is surrounded by its 6 sides. The texel on the side which is hit by the direction vector is returend by textureCube. The length of the direction vector does not affect the result.

cubemap 3d coordiante

See Khronos documentation Cubemap Texture Access

The sampler type for cubemaps is gsamplerCube. The texture coordinates for cubemaps are 3D vector directions. These are conceptually directions from the center of the cube to the texel you want to appear. The vectors do not have to be normalized.

This means that scaling the texture coordinate does not cause different results.

Do not understand captureViews in Diffuse-irradiance tutorial in

When a cubemap texture is used, then a 3 dimensional direction vector has to be transformed, to 2 dimensional texture coordinate relative to one side of the map.

The relevant part of the specification for this transformtion is OpenGL 4.6 API Core Profile Specification, 8.13 Cube Map Texture Selection, page 253:

When a cube map texture is sampled, the (s t r) texture coordinates are treated as a direction vector (rx ry rz) emanating from the center of a cube. The q coordinate is ignored. At texture application time, the interpolated per-fragment direction vector selects one of the cube map face’s two-dimensional images based on the largest magnitude coordinate direction (the major axis direction). If two or more coordinates have the identical magnitude, the implementation may define the rule to disambiguate this situation. The rule must be deterministic and depend only on (rx ry rz). The target column in table 8.19 explains how the major axis direction maps to the two-dimensional image of a particular cube map target. Using the sc, tc, and ma determined by the major axis direction as specified in table 8.19, an updated (s t) is calculated as follows:

s = 1/2 * (s_c / |m_a| + 1)
t = 1/2 * (t_c / |m_a| + 1)

Major Axis Direction|        Target             |sc |tc |ma |
       +rx          |TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X|−rz|−ry| rx|
       −rx          |TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_X| rz|−ry| rx|
       +ry          |TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_Y| rx| rz| ry|
       −ry          |TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_Y| rx|−rz| ry|
       +rz          |TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_Z| rx|−ry| rz|
       −rz          |TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_Z|−rx|−ry| rz|

sc cooresponds the u coordiante and tc to the v cooridnate. So tc has to be in the direction of the view space up vector

Look at the first row of the table:

+rx | TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X | −rz | −ry | rx

This means, for the X+ side (right side) of the cube map, the directions which correspond to the tangent and binormal are

sc = (0, 0, -1)
tc = (0, -1, 0)

This perfectly matches the 1st row of the table glm::mat4 captureViews[]:

glm::lookAt(glm::vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), glm::vec3(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), glm::vec3(0.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f))

because the major direction is given by the line of sight, which is the directon form the eye position to the target (los = target - eye) and so (1, 0, 0).
The up vector (or ts) is (0, -1, 0).
sc is given by the cross product of the line of sight and the up vector (0, 0, -1).

Texture read

Pixel access with glGetTexImage()?, C++

The size of the array in bytes is 1048576 bytes (256 * 256 * 4 * sizeof(GLuint)). This is, because every color channel of a single pixel is stored in a separate GLuint with a size of 4 bytes (sizeof(GLuint) == 4). So the size of each pixel is 16 bytes because of 4 color channels per pixel and sizeof(GLuint) for each color channel.

Probably it will be sufficient to store every color in an GLubyte. Then the size of the array will be 262144 bytes (256 * 256 * 4 * sizeof(GLubyte))

opengl es 2.0 android c++ glGetTexImage alternative

glGetTexImage doesn’t exist in OpenGL ES.
In OpenGL ES, you have to attach the texture to a framebuffer and read the color plane of the framebuffer by glReadPixels

int data_size = mWidth * mHeight * 4;
GLubyte* pixels = new GLubyte[mWidth * mHeight * 4];

GLuint textureObj = ...; // the texture object - glGenTextures  

GLuint fbo;
glGenFramebuffers(1, &fbo); 
glBindFramebuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, fbo);
glFramebufferTexture2D(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0, GL_TEXTURE_2D, textureObj, 0);

glReadPixels(0, 0, mWidth, mHeight, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, pixels);

glBindFramebuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, 0);
glDeleteFramebuffers(1, &fbo);

How can I read the texture data so I can edit it?

The texture is attached to a framebuffer. Either read the pixels from the framebuffer or read the texture image from the texture.

The pixels of the framebuffer can be read by glReadPixels. Bind the framebuffer for reading and read the pixels:

glBindFramebuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, ssaoFBO);
glReadPixels(0, 0, width, height, format, type, pixels);

The texture image can be read by glGetTexImage. Bind the texture and read the data:

glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, ssaoTexture);
glGetTexImage(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, format, type, pixels);

In both cases format and type define the pixel format of the target data.
e.g. If you want to store the pixels to an buffer with 4 color channels which 1 byte for each channel then format = GL_RGBA and type = GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE.
The size of the target buffer has to be widht * height * 4.


#include <vector>
int width = ...;
int height = ...;
std::vector<GLbyte> pixels(width * height * 4); // 4 because of RGBA * 1 byte

glReadPixels(0, 0, width, height, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE,;



Note, if the size in bytes of 1 row of the image, is not dividable by 4, then the GL_PACK_ALIGNMENT parameter has to be set, to adapt the alignment requirements for the start of each pixel row.

e.g. for an tightly packed GL_RGB image:

int width = ...;
int height = ...;
std::vector<GLbyte> pixels(width * height * 3); // 3 because of RGB * 1 byte

glPixelStorei(GL_PACK_ALIGNMENT, 1);

How to get texture data using textureID’s in openGL

In OpneGL a texture can be read by glGetTexImage/glGetnTexImage respectively the DSA version of the function glGetTextureImage.

Another possibility is to attach the texture to a framebuffer and to read the pixel by glReadPixels. OpenGL ES does not offer a glGetTexImage, so this is the way to OpenGL ES.
See opengl es 2.0 android c++ glGetTexImage alternative

If you transfer the texture image to a Pixel Buffer Object, then you can even access the data via Buffer object mapping. See also OpenGL Pixel Buffer Object (PBO).
You’ve to bind a buffer with the proper size to the target GL_PIXEL_PACK_BUFFER:

// create buffer
GLuint pbo;
glGenBuffers(1, &pbo);
glBindBuffer(GL_PIXEL_PACK_BUFFER, pbo);
glBufferData(GL_PIXEL_PACK_BUFFER, size_in_bytes, 0, GL_STATIC_READ);

// get texture image
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, texture_obj);
glGetTexImage(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, (void*)(0));

// map pixel buffer
void * data_ptr = glMapBuffer(GL_PIXEL_PACK_BUFFER, GL_READ_ONLY);

// access the data
// [...]


Fixed function pipeline (Texture)

OpenGL 2.1 API Specification; 3.8.16 Texture Application; page 191

Texturing is enabled or disabled using the generic Enable and Disable commands respectively, with the symbolic constants TEXTURE 1D, TEXTURE 2D, TEXTURE 3D, or TEXTURE CUBE MAP to enable the one-, two, three-dimensional, or cube map texture, respectively. If both two- and one-dimensional textures are enabled, the two-dimensional texture is used. If the three-dimensional and either of the two- or one-dimensional textures is enabled, the three-dimensional texture is used. If the cube map texture and any of the three-, two-, or one-dimensional textures is enabled, then cube map texturing is used. If all texturing is disabled, a rasterized fragment is passed on unaltered to the next stage of the GL (although its texture coordinates may be discarded). …

OpenGL 4.6 API Compatibility Profile Specification; 16.2 Texture Application; page 602

Texturing is enabled or disabled using the generic Enable and Disable commands, respectively, with target TEXTURE_1D, TEXTURE_2D, TEXTURE_RECTANGLE, TEXTURE_3D, or TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP to enable the one-, two-, rectangular, threedimensional, or cube map texture, respectively. If more than one of these textures is enabled, the first one enabled from the following list is used:

How to color QUADS in blue color without all sense color in the blue, Fixed Function
Draw rectangle over texture OpenGL, Fixed Function
PyQt, PyOPENGL: when adding a texture to an area, then other area lost their color and become white Fixed Function
Alpha blending textures and primitives, Fixed Function
All texture colors affected by colored rectangle - OpenGL, Fixed Function

When texturing is activated, by default the color of the texel is multiplied by the current color, because by default the texture environment mode (GL_TEXTURE_ENV_MODE) is GL_MODULATE. See glTexEnv.

This causes that the color of the texels of the texture is “mixed” by the last color which you have set by glColor4f.

Set a “white” color before you render the texture, to solve your issue:

glColor3f(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);

Likewise you can change the environment mode to GL_REPLACE, instead:


Trouble Texturing a cube with glDrawarrays

Two-dimensional texturing has to be enabled, see glEnable:


Why does a texture in OpenTK not show properly? (Wrong colors/Rotated) [VB]

If texturing is enabled, then by default the color of the texel is multiplied by the current color, because by default the texture environment mode (GL_TEXTURE_ENV_MODE) is GL_MODULATE. See glTexEnv.

This causes that the color of the texels of the texture is “mixed” by the last color which you have set by glColor.

Set a “white” color before you render the texture, to solve your issue:


Likewise you can change the environment mode to GL_REPLACE, instead by glTexEnv:

GL.TexEnv(TextureEnvTarget.TextureEnv, TextureEnvParameter.TextureEnvMode, GL_REPLACE)

Texture and image handling with (py)OpenGL, Python

Two-dimensional texturing has to enabled by glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D) and can be disabled by glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D).
If texturing is enables then the texture wich is currently bound when the geometry is drawn by the glBegin/glEnd sequence is applied.

When glVertex is called, the the current texture coordinates are associated with the vertex coordinate. The texture coordinate is set by glTexCoord2f.

Texture - GLSL

Sampler (GLSL)
Multibind and textures
texture vs texture2D in GLSL

See OpenGL 4.6 API core profile specification; 15.2.1 Texture Access; page 486

When a texture lookup is performed in a fragment shader, the GL computes the filtered texture value in the manner described in sections 8.14 and 8.15, and converts it to a texture base color Cb as shown in table 15.1, followed by swizzling the components of Cb, …

Table 15.1:

See OpenGL Shading Language 4.60 Specification; 4.4.6 Opaque-Uniform Layout Qualifiers; page 79

Image and sampler types both take the uniform layout qualifier identifier for binding:

layout-qualifier-id :
    binding = integer-constant-expression

The identifier binding specifies which unit will be bound. Any uniform sampler or image variable declared without a binding qualifier is initially bound to unit zero. After a program is linked, the unit referenced by a sampler or image uniform variable declared with or without a binding identifier can be updated by the OpenGL API.

Image Load Store

Image load/store is the ability of Shaders to more-or-less arbitrarily read from and write to images:

Bindless Textures

Bindless Textures are a method for passing Textures to Shader by a name, rather than by binding them to the OpenGL Context. These texture can be used by samplers or images.

Bindless Textures are not part of the OpenGL standard yet (OpenGL 4.6).

Texture and Renderbuffer

Image Format

These formats are required for both textures and renderbuffers. Any of the combinations presented in each row is a required format.

Base format Data type Bitdepth per component
RGBA, RG, RED unsigned normalized 8, 16
RGBA, RG, RED float 16, 32
RGBA, RG, RED signed integral 8, 16, 32
RGBA, RG, RED unsigned integral 8, 16, 32

Also, the following other formats must be supported for both textures and renderbuffers:

There is a big difference between the internalFormat (3rd) paramter and the format (7th) paramter of glTexImage2D. The former specifies the format of the target texture (GPU) and the later specifies together, with the type (8th) paramter, the format of the source texture (CPU). This causes that the parameters may need different enum constants. If this paramters are not proper set this may cause an GL_INVALID_ENUM error (1281).

Texture - WebGL

WebGL texImage2D parameters, [WebGL]

See WebGL Specification - 5.14 The WebGL context:

void texImage2D(GLenum target, GLint level, GLint internalformat,
                GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLint border, GLenum format,
                GLenum type, [AllowShared] ArrayBufferView? pixels);
void texImage2D(GLenum target, GLint level, GLint internalformat,
                GLenum format, GLenum type, TexImageSource source); // May throw DOMException

Since image is image is a TexImageSource it has to be

`gl.texImage2D(gl.TEXTURE_2D, 0, gl.RGBA, 10, 10, 0, gl.RGBA, gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE, image);`

gl.texImage2D(gl.TEXTURE_2D, 0, gl.RGBA, gl.RGBA, gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE, image);

Note, the size of the bitmap is encode int the image object.

Texture - three.js

How can I map a texture image onto a shader geometry?, [three.js]

In the fragment shader has to be declared a uniform variable of type sampler2D:

Vertex Shader:

varying vec2 vUv;

void main() {
    vUv = uv;
    gl_Position = projectionMatrix * modelViewMatrix * vec4(position, 1.0);

Fragment Shader:

precision highp float;

uniform sampler2D u_texture; // <---------------------------------- texture sampler uniform

varying vec2 vUv;

void main(){
    gl_FragColor = texture2D(u_texture, vUv);

With the shaders a THREE.ShaderMaterial can be created.

First load the texture:

var texture = new THREE.TextureLoader().load ('js/textures/earth.jpg');

Then specify the set of Uniforms (in this case there is the texture uniform only):

var uniforms = {
    u_texture: {type: 't', value: texture}

Finally create the material:

var material = new THREE.ShaderMaterial({  
    uniforms: uniforms,
    vertexShader: document.getElementById('vertex-shader').textContent,
    fragmentShader: document.getElementById('fragment-shader').textContent

The material can be used in the same manner as any other material.


What and why about GLSL textureGrad
What is, in simple terms, textureGrad()?

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